!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> A Mama's World: November 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


How deep is the hurt?
Where does it lie now?
Can it be fished out and
cried for all over again?
Is it too deep to ever surface?

Or does those little stingy tears
till have the power over you?
Can they still kill the dead you?
Fragments, words, sleep, sleepless
Dust to dust thou art.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


we went to the Chirstmas fair in school which I found very nice, it looked like a small European village in the middle of HK. Though kids' activities weren't that impressive. Rushed back to the school presentation - it was lovely, had an hour and a half of really useful talk. Then went over to N's place for dinner, jumping gym and just tons of fun. The kids enjoyed so much that I was really really touched. There is a certain awesomeness about children brought up in a non-pressured environment which unless you watch the difference you cannot ever understand. I watched that little child who had no clues about hard-grilled literacy and numeracy typical of the island children, happy and natural as a bird in the sky on a bright blue sunny day. Island children of his age would be going to school, kumon, gymnastic, soccer, art, paint, and stars only know what else. Whose parents would have applied to schools at least 3 years back, would have found out all the pros and cons of the target schools.... ahh, the picture is so familiar and after yesterday's experience a bit disheartening. Just to see the freshness of non-pressure is a delight! Innovation, creativity, out-of-the box thinking can happen here where you are not hammered into a shape already - be that of a box or a non-box, you cannot step out. Sigh! I just hope the HK pressure does not get to that lovely family with so much to give.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The tooth and a candy stick

I totally forgot when Arunav lost his first tooth. Last week I got a pink huge candy stick for Aarushi (yeah I guess I was missing her when she went to school and just went soft to buy that one). When she came home she was rushing to eat the same. I told her to calm down, slow down and eat properly as the candy is not going to fly away. She of course kept rushing. Suddenly she cried - my tooth hurts. I got upset as I saw the front tooth all wobbly - I thought she damaged it while crazily biting onto the huge pink stick. I scolded her and only a week later did I realize that it is actually time for her to lose her first tooth! The realization came when a classmate of hers lost his first tooth...Oops mommy!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

more thought

and I thought some more, dug deeper to realize, I totally hate hurting other people....yes, that's where it is hurting me the most.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hard days

One of those days when I do not know whether I did good or I did bad. I had to do something, but I do not like the repercussions and yet the repercussions are not in my hand. If a child bullies, what the child is doing is bad - but the child is not. I would tell the child the same way as I would tell my own, not to say hurtful words and that would be the end of it. If I have to tell a parent about the child, what action the parent takes on the child is not in my hand (and it should not be), yet I feel terribly bad for the child and guilty of being indirectly responsible for whatever action is taken on the child. I feel guilty to tell the parent also because I took their peace of mind away. 

Is my guilt misplaced? Possibly. Yet, I cannot always explain why I feel what I feel. I just know that I do. So my day today from start to end was made of having to do endless such 'have-to-do' items which just progressively made me feel miserable, leaving me feeling sick and in tears at the end.

Do I sound ridiculous as a friend said? Or could I have done something differently? I do not see how - I guess I am growing into that sort of person who hates conflict.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mardi Gras

was fun!!

Happy Diwali

Aarushi did a beautiful colouring on the Diwali drawing a great aunty gave in her school and we lit the lamps - together. What more can we want on a Diwali day, colours, family love, light?

Hong Kong Trail 8, checked

Hong Kong Trail 8; 9 km(we did a bit extra than the trail length); 2hrs 45 mins. HKwalkers' stats:
Starting Point: To Di Wan
Finishing Point: Tai Long Wan
Length: 8.5 kms
Time: 3.0hrs
Difficulty: Very Difficult
Not the best or brightest of days but it was a good hike. Maybe a bit of a push for the kids, but they were very happy kids :) We are lucky and it is upto us to keep ourselves lucky. Felt quite good that with two kids, we beat the time of 3 hrs :)
En famille, we've now completed HK Trail 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8. Have to do 6 and 7 which HKwalkers' enlist as easy, so it should be no problem with the kids. Yay!

Friday, November 09, 2012


The deepest of hurts is to see your hurt
The deepest of fears is to see you fear.
The happiest happiness is still mine
Though yours play a big role in my sunshine.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Fruitful day

I did not leave my desk since the morning. Yet and so, it was a fruitful 5 hours I have spent. S called saying the Diwali celebration in school is in mess, I need to do something to push things forward. Sent a mail and things are more or less sorted - glad everyone responded and co-operated. Same with the other class! W sent a mail asking me if I could take lead in the next special interest group meeting presentation. Found a theme, an article, a few questions and the next meeting is set. My course group presentation slides are almost ready, draft circulated, waiting for feedback from group mates. Now preparing for the project outline to be submitted coming Monday and getting ready to have S stay with us from 8th to 13th. Next I need to rush to the University for Prof. B's presentation on the HK findings, right after which I take Aarushi for the French portrait and back home by 7.30 I hope.

And then someone told me the other day, well I am working you know - I have no time.

Monday, November 05, 2012

On Suzannie and HKU

Suzannie sketches beautifully and she is beautiful. She sits by HKU and sketches the front portico. Everyone knowing the portico can understand what she has sketched when they look at it as a whole, they cannot when they see just the lines being drawn; anyone not knowing can appreciate the beauty of a place unknown. It is astounding in its simplicity and elegance.

Just a few seemingly careless scratches
The lead marks spreading here and there
The white paper smudged with ugly lines.
Before long, no one notices the plight of white
The ugly lines become a vibrating form,
The elegance of the smudges,
The beauty ensemble!

The few birds chirping
The trees casting their afternoon shadow
The lily pool quiet with reflections
The students strolling by
Calm and peace fills the soul
Crystal clear thoughts run like a stream and
The beauty ensemble!

Lazy afternoon reminiscences on Gestalt

You do not have to be, because of them
You have to be only because of you.
You do not need any approval
Their's or their's
Just your and your.

Ah, the "form generating capability of our senses" !
Ah, the "multistable perception" !
Gestalt, which is the real and which is the illusion then?
It is not enough to say they exist, 
How and why they do?

The 'me' or the 'him' they perceive
The 'me' and the 'him' we know.
I will not draw that line to alter 
the Gestaltic image of the 'me' and 'him'.
They need to draw it if they want to see.

They need to complete that which is 
obvious but cannot be shown.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Havan in the heaven

Shyam was revising Hindi stuff with Aarushi when she read the word "Hawan". Shyam asked whether she knows what that means. She confidently said," Of course! It's Heaven."


If the songs at 2.00am can give me goosebumps and bring tears... they are priceless, timeless. 

Aji Bijon ghore
Mone ki didha rekhe gele chole

Am I also becoming biased, stereotyped when I wonder how can a man express his feelings like this!

A thousand more years
A thousand more lives....
more importantly.....
million more sorrows 
million more happiness

before words can flow like this.

Another Karva Chauth

Had a beautiful yet very busy Karva Chauth day. I fasted without water/food and it was no worry at all. Had a HKU meeting for 3 hours held at a venue 1 hour far - umph, but had a lovely meeting - yayyy! Came back at noon, made Shahi Tukda. My first attempt - loved the result. People loved it too, they said I have a flair for desserts and each is a piece of art - yay! Went and met a visiting friend from my engineering days - that was lovely. Met Seema - the one with the beautiful eyes and the infectious happiness around her always - again yay! When I broke the fast the moon was up, the room was peaceful and I could imagine S rightaway, even though he was not here for me to break it - yay once more! Loved the talk and laughter buzzing around C's house...though some people always can hurt - really wonder how some always have that special capacity of having no other interaction with you, coming to you, saying a really hurtful thing in the guise of a fake laugh and move away - hrmph!

But so many yays to outweigh the umph and hrmphs :)

Oh and one more - with the leftover bread from shahi tukda, I made a caramel bread pudding - first attempt and success. What more can someone want?

The bottle of perfumed time
was empty.
Clean, sparkling, fresh.
Lustrous whiteness
The lilies of new times
New beginnings.

Hetha hote jao puraton!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Beauties of reads

" If meaning derives from existence, then from what does existence derive its meaning? " 


I am happy.
I am thankful.
I am glad.

For you
For them and
For you.

The sunshine in my window.
The coffee in my table.
The quiet of my house.

The freedom to write
The freedom to love
The freedom to read.

Simple joys
Simple love
Simple life.

Beauty in my eyes.