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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cats and Dogs

Aarushi is at that age when she is throwing all sorts of smart aleck comments at us. Today when I asked her,'Why is the dog barking Aarushi?' Her reply was,'Because it's a dog mamma, not a cat.' :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Girls and Boys

Aarushi took her long pending flu shot yesterday. She did not cry! As soon as Shyam came home after office which was a good 6 hrs after she had taken the shot, her first comment as he entered, "Papa, Aarushi(still doesnt say,I) had 'indektion' but you did not come ??" A slight note of accusation, but told very clearly and calmly. I was surprised and Shyam was speechless - he really did not know what to say to that!
Boys and girls are so different in their emotions - I have never seen Arunav demanding or even expecting anything like this. But this is the second time Aarushi has expressed her need for emotional support - I found it an amazing difference. I had no idea girls and boys can be this different - now I am having hands-on experience :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A vacuum that cant be filled

Sometimes I remember all those times when I had a problem and I just had to tell dad - no matter how old we were. We had this driving license conversion problem when in Tokyo - we tried all sorts of sources for 2 years and couldn't get it resolved. It was sorted out as soon as bapi came to know about it - he knew who needs to be contacted - we are till date surviving that license - so many countries we drove in, was possible only because of that.

Some people have an inherent ability to touch our lives with things they do, which live long after they are gone. And so many people are still telling me the same about him........and now there's a vacuum.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pocket Money

Arunav's idea of Pocket Money,"It is some money that mama/papa gives you and you have to keep it in your pocket very carefully."

Friday, April 17, 2009

The familiar baffling questions

"Why did Shaurya(A's friend) come out in April and me in August? Why did you decide to go to the hospital on 19 Aug and not April? I want to have my birthday now."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Poetry and memory

Poetry has an amazing capacity to stay in your memory. I just read a few similar lines and it reminded me of this exact famous one I loved during university/college days - I dont have to google or brush up, it is there as fresh as ever and as motivating as ever:

The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upwards in the night.

The rhythm of Wordsworth,oops - no Longfellow, is amazing!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shubho Noboborsho

It's the Bengali New Year's Day today.

Dr. Seuss

I just read Dr. Seuss' "And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street" to Arunav and it left me tongue-tied. Arunav had fun but I felt very sad. I started thinking back of times when I have been stern with Arunav or Aarushi and I was wondering whether I had also squashed their imagination as the father in the book did! Ooh the ending gave my heart a tight squeeze and once again made me think, children are quite priceless and small little wonders which we dont always appreciate enough because we understand so less - but a lot many times we DO or else we wouldnt be writing or appreciating books like these :))

" "Nothing," I said, growing red as a beet, "But a plain horse and wagon on Mulberry Street..." "
The last line that made my eyes feel pricky.

A must read.

Picnic in Easter Hols

The kids enjoyed a lot at Inspiration Lake again! This is at the train station after the Disney train ride.
We are lucky to get this photo since I managed to drop the camera on concrete road and then ran a rickshaw over the hapless thing. It looks like an antique piece now - luckily still working!!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


It's so easy for people to blame mothers for everything that goes wrong with a child - I understand that. What I do not understand - it is easy to blame even if things go well with the child!

Arunav won a reading competition and I had to hear lot of oblique comments about how I am putting pressure on the child. I have committed lot of 'mother'ly sins like whacked Arunav, shouted at him when I was stressed about something else,etc,etc - but I never pressurise him on this. I am lucky he is till now interested in books - how is that my fault? I cannot possibly discourage him!!

No 'one world' for us

When I went to India for my father's funeral leaving the kids behind, we explained to both of them how Dadan(grandpa) is not well and mama has to go.
Three days after I left, Aarushi fell sick and in that 104 fever she told Shyam - I am also not well, why is mama not coming to me.....
I am sure mama's go through lot of heartbreaking moments, this was one such moment. I felt guilty and helpless and lost with lack of choice. Do I take care of the one person(my mama) who has given her life for me and when she needs me the most or do I come to my 2 year old who must be feeling so insecure and needs me too.... which world do I cater to?