Fruitful day
I did not leave my desk since the morning. Yet and so, it was a fruitful 5 hours I have spent. S called saying the Diwali celebration in school is in mess, I need to do something to push things forward. Sent a mail and things are more or less sorted - glad everyone responded and co-operated. Same with the other class! W sent a mail asking me if I could take lead in the next special interest group meeting presentation. Found a theme, an article, a few questions and the next meeting is set. My course group presentation slides are almost ready, draft circulated, waiting for feedback from group mates. Now preparing for the project outline to be submitted coming Monday and getting ready to have S stay with us from 8th to 13th. Next I need to rush to the University for Prof. B's presentation on the HK findings, right after which I take Aarushi for the French portrait and back home by 7.30 I hope.
And then someone told me the other day, well I am working you know - I have no time.
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