we went to the Chirstmas fair in school which I found very nice, it looked like a small European village in the middle of HK. Though kids' activities weren't that impressive. Rushed back to the school presentation - it was lovely, had an hour and a half of really useful talk. Then went over to N's place for dinner, jumping gym and just tons of fun. The kids enjoyed so much that I was really really touched. There is a certain awesomeness about children brought up in a non-pressured environment which unless you watch the difference you cannot ever understand. I watched that little child who had no clues about hard-grilled literacy and numeracy typical of the island children, happy and natural as a bird in the sky on a bright blue sunny day. Island children of his age would be going to school, kumon, gymnastic, soccer, art, paint, and stars only know what else. Whose parents would have applied to schools at least 3 years back, would have found out all the pros and cons of the target schools.... ahh, the picture is so familiar and after yesterday's experience a bit disheartening. Just to see the freshness of non-pressure is a delight! Innovation, creativity, out-of-the box thinking can happen here where you are not hammered into a shape already - be that of a box or a non-box, you cannot step out. Sigh! I just hope the HK pressure does not get to that lovely family with so much to give.
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