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Monday, November 05, 2012

Lazy afternoon reminiscences on Gestalt

You do not have to be, because of them
You have to be only because of you.
You do not need any approval
Their's or their's
Just your and your.

Ah, the "form generating capability of our senses" !
Ah, the "multistable perception" !
Gestalt, which is the real and which is the illusion then?
It is not enough to say they exist, 
How and why they do?

The 'me' or the 'him' they perceive
The 'me' and the 'him' we know.
I will not draw that line to alter 
the Gestaltic image of the 'me' and 'him'.
They need to draw it if they want to see.

They need to complete that which is 
obvious but cannot be shown.


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