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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spelling Champ again

Arunav was the Spellbulary champion this year again. Aarushi reached the finals too, which was great considering she can barely manage to sit still :) The lady smiled and said, "Second year in a row, we have Arunav as the champion", which made Arunav give that big grin.

I wanted him to participate in the older group but they were strict about the age cut-off. It was interesting though that some parents came up and told me, it's not fair that he is with this group.... Hmm, parents can be very interesting.

Friday, May 24, 2013


The weakest point of A is art, but I absolutely love to go to the ArtWalk organised by FIS. There is a charm to it which is inexplicable. Here they are standing in front of their creation of "Tessellations" inspired by M.C. Escher (I still have that childhood admiration for him!).

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Gratitude, Humility et al

One thinks they are easy to come, but not quite. We need to work towards it, consciously say a thanks for everything good that happens to us...only then those easy sounding words can be retained with lot of difficulty.

We forget that little hand which opened the door when our hands were full, the little smile which cheered us on a day when life seemed dull, the few words of the woman in the lift made you smile, the one who wished a cheerful good evening on a bad day....we forget.

We forget to be thankful, unless we make it a habit.

So I am thankful for countless things today and I will not complain about anything that made me sad today..

There, done.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tiny fame

Arunav was in the newspaper today. They took his interview for winning Spellbulary last year. 

Monday, May 20, 2013


She said, "It is weird for me to sit here and talk kids with you. You were always that highly successful PM with that aura around you in office, always so so busy, so many people working in your team... everyone respecting you so much... she's the one who can make it happen, so intelligent.....and here you are as if that never existed... wow."

She kept quiet. The lady put the piping hot grilled jalapenos on the table. The only sound was of the sizzling jalapenos, the air thick with the smell of spice.

The fallen spoon

We were having lunch. Aarushi was eating and doing dance movements with her hand fluttering over the table and our food. I told her once it will spill the water, but she kept doing. Soon her own spoon flipped, making few pieces of her rice and paneer spill onto the table cloth. I scolded her saying the usual "I told you so..."

As providence would have it, immediately S spilled dal while helping himself and the spoon fell badly on the cloth. Aarushi just looked at me. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Lost, not found

She said, how you've changed.
Where's that vivacity
Where's that smile
Why the lines, why pensive?

Where was it lost
In the wilderness outside or within?
So long lost, so well lost
That you do not miss it,

No more, anymore.
Lost and gone.

She answered,
The new is the new
The old is just gone
not lost.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The other mom

As I worked on my data, she quietly came around and said," How long will it take you to go where the pick up is?"

Just the fact that someone else thinks and cares for my little one is so touching, is so endearing that I can live with all the differences.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Camp again

This time it is for 2 nights and 3 days. How long the time seems! Tomorrow 11.00 is when he returns and I do hope he did not get time to think of home too much. He so looks a replica of S.

Friday, May 10, 2013

An encounter

Dull, boring wait for the children
iPad games, in and out
Hurting eyes
Guilt of wasting time
Doing nothing, achieving nothing.
A listless trip to the washroom
Swishing past the lady having fun,
The lady looking good.


Behind her a voice exclaims, "S......!"

The tired feet stops
The tired head turns
The tired brain wakes to curiosity.
The curious eyes widen, widen wider
To full astonishment and recognition
9 years since and 9 years back.

She smiles, she exclaims
She laughs after a long time
She shakes her head
She hugs.

Life before life
Laughter before laugh
Tears and joys
Pride and utility
Self esteem and worthiness
Achievement and friendships
Carefree life
Swishes round and round in her head

A dizzy talk and a dizzy good bye.


A promise to meet, an alert mind 
and a beautiful smile.

Sunshine and stress

Inversely proportional.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Aarushi once more

Yesterday Aarushi's teacher informed us her reading is so advanced that she has been chosen to go to P2 (she is in P1) to choose her reading books and asked us to help her out at home in the new books, if she needs any.

When Aarushi came home, I asked her whether she was tested in school for reading. She confidently said, "Yes. Me and Leo were chosen to go to P2. R was also with us in the orange basket but we have left him far behind." How humble!

The second one always surprises - or is it only irresponsible me?

Monday, May 06, 2013


After months we got to go out of HK. The land of sunshine, warmth (heat), rain and friends. It is a fine place.

Only regret, we could not really bond with friends enough this trip. With ma around, we were too busy to do other stuff. But it was a relief. A freshness much needed. Mostly - loads of sunshine much needed! Back to the perpetual dull grayness of HK.