South Bay Beach
I remember writing in an earlier post that I really wanted to visit this often heard of beach in HK and we have done so many beaches, except this. Today A's school had an end of year get together there and at the last moment I just randomly decided to go rather than stay home ('and when u get the choice to sit it out or dance, i hope u dance'). Didnt get time to click there, but the sky was as blue and the clouds were that white! Lovely breeze and the sun was shining in crystal clear water. It was just like a private beach and just being there made everyone feel so happy!
Yep, I am damn satisfied I chose to dance :)
Monday Morning Blues
I am normally not one to vent my stress in my blog - but this morning has been one of the toughest I had in many months. Ma went last night, kids were stressed with no playdates(poor planning) and no grandma, helper's mood is off(maybe she is not well) - that about leaves no room for me to feel anything.
Ahhhh - if only we moms and dads could just take off when hit by such blues - leave the responsibilities for a tiny, precious moment and just walk into the fresh air and not think about the 100 'small things' which constitute LIFE, just look at the blue skies and feel the breeze only for that tiny precious moment .....I would call that bliss.
'But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep....'
Ideas about adulthood
Arunav went to my French school and visited my classroom. There's a Smartboard and he went to the slots where the pens were supposed to be kept. There were none. I explained to him it must be kept safely inside.
"But mamma that's strange! Here only adults study - not children, why do they keep it inside? Only children spoil, not adults!"
Our Third Culture Kids(TCK)
have very unique curiosities about India. I had once heard a little boy in Tokyo exclaiming at the sound of "shankh": "Is that an Indian whistle?"
Today we had to go for a mundan ceremony and I explained it to Arunav. After a patient hearing he wondered,"Why do we have to watch a haircut?"
When we were having Gulab jamuns, he again asked the hostess for the "soup" of the gulab jamun!
It used to irritate me when Indians staying in "foreign" used such lingo and suddenly my own house resembles such a structure and I 'understand' it - it doesnt bring out that disgust in me and it makes me wonder whether I am also moving away from my own culture - do I not feel that deeply about it anymore? I would be scared if that ever happened !
Toilet Training
What was a cake walk for Arunav, is taking the normal struggle path for Aarushi. The first one was trained in exactly 2 days(no I am not exaggerating) at 20 months. For my little cutie, she is taking her own sweet time. Today Shyam gave her a scolding when she wee-wee-ed on the carpet.
Later she tells me,'Papa scolded Aarushi, but what can I do? The wee wee just comes out!' told with such honesty that I just had to give her a hug.... :) The second ones ARE spoilt!
Sound of Thunder
There was a cool summer breeze blowing through my night window and before long there's a flash of light and the thunderous sound of thunder, the wind grows stronger blowing into the trees, the leaves rustle hastily and I can smell the rain which is about to come - oh the smell is in my mind, not in reality - I had to bottle up this moment for future. I havent felt like writing for a long time and isnt it always nature which brings out the 'you' in you.
I remember Apu, I remember Tagore, I remember Ray and I miss my times with them but I love closing my eyes and feeling just the wind, hearing just the thunder and the leaves - nothing else matters but just this moment forever and forever.
and my plans for hitting bed early has gone for a toss - it's impossible to sleep when it's so beautiful outside - how can I miss it!!