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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Edith Piaf

La Vie en Rose - the first French film I watched. I loved it. It is the life of Edith Piaf who I now know is a legendary singer of France. It's the force in her songs that moved me so much - she sings with all her heart. My favourite is "Non, je ne regrette rien"

Non rien de rien
Non je ne regrette rien
C'est paye, balaye, oubliye
Je me fous de passe

Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait
Ni le mal tout ca m'est bien egal
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie, car mes joies
Aujourd'hui, ca commence avec toi!

Rough translation:
No I dont regret anything
It's paid for, removed, forgotten
I am happy of the past.
Not the good things people have done to me, nor the bad things
It's all the same, no I dont regret anything.
Because my life, my joys
Today they begin with you!

But it's not only the words, it's the music and the way it is sung - what force in a song:

IIMB 10 years' reunion

There's this magical place which is green and grey,with stone cobbled path and the breeze sways you away......where knowledge is revered and held in high esteem, that's where I am going to re-live my dream....

IIM Bangalore - I will visit it after 10 long years - the very thought of it is so cozy and warming and I am soooo looking forward to it - to meet friends that we care for no matter where we are after 10 years. Who cares whether that dearest face and smile is an executive's, a big entrepreneur's or someone who's just getting on with life - for me they are faces who makes me smile and that's priceless!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Postponement of gratification again...

Long time back I wrote on this topic and today I am revisiting it again.

Today Arunav asked me when I came back from my exam,'How did it go mamma?' When I said not as well as the other times he looked puzzled and said, 'But you dont look sad'..... I told him, 'Because I tried my best.' He started playing.

I sat watching them play. I thought about the two of them growing up so fast and so far they are good kids. I dont know how they are going to be later. I do my best(well, most of the time :)) but who knows how they will be later in life - but I hope I will be happy that I tried my best.

Exams, Christmas and End of Year

End of year always held a very exciting place in my heart. As a child we had our Final exams in December. Exams get over and it's Christmas time!! I used to love writing Christmas/New Year cards and sending them off, listening to the radio playing numerous Christmas carols, waiting for the 25th when my mother every year used to bake a cake for us (it is still the yummiest cake I have had).... so Christmas time has that soft place full of fond memories.

I finished my french exams today and it feels exactly like it felt years ago - the adrenalin has pumped through and left me feeling nice, cozy and peaceful. I am ready for the end of the year!