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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Aarushi and the Beanstalk

In Aarushi's school, we put some green beans inside a plastic glass stuffed with wet tissues. How easy can that be? I did not think the beans will sprout so well - it is such a pleasure watering and watching the beanstalks growing so fast - the ones in the picture are less than 1 week old - beautiful! Soon we will by trying on mustard greens :) There's enormous happiness in watching nature at work - life sprouting and flourishing!

"Will there be a giant on top when it grows really big?" :))

Monday, March 30, 2009


“YOU know, I may have to be born again, you see, I have fallen in love with mankind.” Swami Vivekananda.

When I got the news of my father, I left in a great hurry without the kids. No one in my house really knows how to cook(I may claim limited knowledge of it), but during the 10 days of my absence, my kids got more food than they could possibly have eaten and to the extent of having the luxury of choosing their lunch boxes (pasta-n-spring rolls, etc)! So many friends came and helped in this time of need - without us asking - that I was really touched and I dont think anything I do can ever equal what they did during those days.

"Shobar opore manush sotyo, tahar opore nai."
Sorry for the lack of 'cultural diversity', I will leave that untranslated, for I dont think I can translate the essence of those words.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


and this one I would dedicate to my father who was the inspiration behind all my achievements....I second-topped my French class in spite of missing the last 4 classes due to the funeral and going directly on the exam day. I am sure bapi will be happy that I did not give up on the test. He always taught me 'No barriers'...... in his words 'pongu longhete giri' (rough translation: a handicapped person can climb atop a mountain).

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mama's papa

Last week my father passed away and it has been such a numbing feeling that I have not been able to talk to people or spend quality time with the kids. I AM because of him and that strength is no more is so very difficult to accept.
What is it that everlastingly binds us to our parents, that hurts so much that life seems to come to a standstill.

Friday, March 06, 2009

'NO' rules the day

I know stepping into 2s means we enter the world of "NO" but Aarushi really surprised everyone when in the Socatots class for attendance she said, "No Coach" when her name was called :)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

So close to the heart

Something exciting happened in my French class today.
We were told to write letters in the last class and when we were returned the letters, my teacher said,'Your son is Arunav!' I said,'Yes...' not sure what to expect next. He went on to say how small the world is and his wife is teaching Arunav and she thinks he is just great - he hears about Arunav a lot from her. Those 2 sentences touched me sooo much that I was surprised at myself. In all the day to day humdrum I forget sometimes just exactly HOW much close our children are to our hearts.
When he said that I had tears in my eyes and felt quite embarassed at being so touched that I couldn't speak. In my mind, in the French class I am a student and not a mother and was really taken aback when the mother in me peeped out for that split second!