That's how much I want sunglasses
It looks like I have to buy her a proper one so she doesn't spoil her eyes using these ...... if I have to keep wearing mine that is !
She is going to start school from 1st September - I am always surprised by her. I was surprised when she started walking, then now when she is speaking 4 words together "Dada - come - here - now!" (I know that doesnt speak too well of the words 'I' use with Arunav), when she could say all the colours - is it normal for second borns? Are we too focussed on what the elder one is achieving that the development of the second born takes us by surprise?
Weekend Birthday Party
The weekend party was great. All of Arunav's school friends came and also friends outside - it was great fun for the kids and Spiderman was an absolute hit. Among all his toys, the lone Spiderman gift that he got is the most cherished one.
It was fun to have so many friends coming over - we are so thankful to everyone for that - as my blog believes 'only people can make the dream a reality'.
Inviting Trouble
Shyam was working on a difficult-to-fix model car, while Arunav patiently watched him and waited for the final product to be delivered to him. At one stage Shyam could build up the model to a stage where the wheels of the car actually did go forward, reverse and turned sideways. Shyam got so excited, he exclaimed,"Yes sir, we are in business!"
Arunav got excited too - not sure what exactly happened he quickly asked,"But papa what is 'business'(pronounced with some effort)?"
Shyam faced a more difficult task than fixing the model ;)
In the meanwhile Aarushi quickly brought a colourful toy car and eagerly said,"Papa - look here." She clearly wanted to help him saying we already have one which works pretty fine - why are you breaking your head for the ugly little grey pieces!
"Why dont I look different?"
We can never guess a kid's mind.... Yesterday at the fag end of his birthday, Arunav went to the mirror. I was wondering why he kept doing that yesterday, when he said in quite a disappointed tone, "Mummum, I still dont look different. I am 4 now!"
Arunav turns 4
He got a scooter and Spiderman for his b'day and has been very thrilled about it. I stayed off computer as much as possible today. We went to Ocean Park, planned for the party in the weekend, watched the movie "Waterloo"(yes, this is an unlikely one). Let me give the background for the latter - we visited the battlefield Waterloo during our Belgium tour and so Arunav was initiated. Boys remain boys - it was interesting to watch the difference in Arunav's enthusiasm for the National Park and Battlefield Waterloo!