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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dr Foster went to Gloucester

Dadaji has to pretend with Arunav that it's raining and like Dr. Foster he has to step into a puddle!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

"I did not realize"

Arunav's use of words frequently amazes me. Today I told him, Arunav your elbow is in mummum's tummy - it hurts. His reply was, " Sorry mummum, I did not realize." First time I heard him use the word "realize" and again the usage was so appropriate!

Story Making

Arunav has been making stories for the last 3 months(since he was 2 yr 8 months). Today's story was:

This is my daughter. She did a concert. Everyone cheered and clapped. Daughter was very happy. The End.

Some of them also include lions and tigers chasing and eating up stuff - this was the first one which was quite out of the normal and I was amazed he thought of a "daughter" :)

All the stories are always told by Teacher Arunav to Student "Aunty Ann"(our helper).

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"Mummum the road is making me run"

That was what Arunav told me when we were going down a slope. It is amazing how dfferently a child looks at and explains things which are BAU(business as usual) to us.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Pre-Schooler with grandparents

It is very interesting to watch how Arunav behaves differently with different people. My parent-in-laws are here - he loves bossing them around. He will teach my mother-in-law "English" ("No, no - it is not brij, it is bridge"); will tell my father-in-law where to sit and where not to and many more such instructions. It is just lovely to watch him with them - he seems so confident when he is with them - they never tell him "do this, dont do that" - I guess that's where his confidence comes from.

Arunav started pre-school 2 months before he will be 3. He now goes to toilet all by himself, can wear clothes and shoes on his own and asks me to wear what he wants me to wear. He has dropped his afternoon nap and talks in his sleep :) He can also ride a bi-cycle.