!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> A Mama's World: February 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

Chinese New Year at Woodlands

Arunav with Ms. Rosie on Chinese New Year celebration day at Woodlands.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Visit to Papa's office on Valentine's day

Arunav got a treat from Papa on Valentine's day - he visited his office and had great fun with the mouse, keyboard, calculator and his colleagues (esp. Brian). He was very excited and while coming out he pointed at the word "Lehman" and said "Arunav's" (just like he points at his books where his name is written and says "Arunav's"). We had a good laugh at the thought of "Arunav's " being written instead of Lehman.
I will soon be posting some photos of the Chinese New Year decorations here.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

School days

I am happy with my grand new dresses but do I really need to go to school?

On a separate note, my parents are here now and when I was showing my school friends' photo to them, my mother surprised me by saying "Yes, Sejal was the first rank holder in Loreto House." She remembers after all these years(17 yrs) - how we under estimate the love and involvement of our parents in our lives - our lives were such an intricate part of their lives - we cannot truly understand till we go thru the same phase ourselves.

Challenges of second time pregnancy

I was just talking to Anjali, another lady who is in my league but she is first time pregnant - when she suddenly mentioned birthplan and I realized I have not yet given it to the doc! I am 8 days away from my due date.....
Oh! The things one has to deal with when you have a 2.5 year old who is feeling some thing is on and making life difficult by suddenly refusing to go to school when so far things were OK with him, when suddenly he refuses to sleep till mummum is somewhere close by and above all when your own hormones are playing all sorts of trick on you.....I am in "summer clothes" when others around me have winter jackets on and I am just a wee bit short of biting people around me!

Friday, February 09, 2007

First Interview - a long journey from Hiroo

Laughing at Day 6

In HK Science Museum
Arunav had his first class upgrade in January when he was approved to a higher grade by his school and tomorrow will be his first pre-school interview. He will be taken away separately and interviewed (of course in a playful way)......

This is the same child who could utter only a few words when we came to HongKong and is now speaking complex sentences and very soon will have his own life. Time passes.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Yellow Submarine

Arunav enjoyed the yellow submarine drive in the HK Science Museum.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Drawing his attention

Papa, pls dont talk on the phone when Arunav is around.....

Arunav desperately trying to take away the phone which always takes papa and mummum's attention away from him.