Remembering N
There's a comfort in certain relations, indefinable in all ways.
Someone who can just tell you - call me today;
Someone who demands; someone who can say.
A cheer after a long day
Or to share a despair making one sway....
To bring steadiness to life,
To make some hard burdens light.
Just a call.
After months of no say.
To say just,'Hello, I am feeling so bad today.'
No need to say I needed to talk to you.
The call is enough for the day.
A line sometimes to check
When are you coming my way?
That's all. No more. No less.
The comfort, indefinable in all ways.
French exam done and over. MEd submissions done this morning. Yay! A short hour to breathe with piping hot masala chai before I think of my Dissertation, Bookclub, Chess and Aarushi's birthday and some sleep tonight, at last.
There's today.
There's tomorrow.
No yesterday :)
Should I breeze past you?
Should I savour every moment of you?
Either way you will come to an end.
Les Miserables
"...there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes..." which echoed when we watched the movie on new year's day. Old songs, but still beautiful in its rendition. Quite liked the movie.
New Year 2013
started with a cold ride with warm friends into a cold beach with warm bonfire, hot-air lamps floating up in the sky like little stars, moonlight shimmering in the seawaves, sharing our wine with strangers sharing their bonfire, sliding in our cold hands deep into the jacket pocket, watching a sky full of stars, kicking the sand beneath us and watching the happiness shine in the eyes of friends around...... Coming back home to kids sleeping but A waking up from the warmth of his bed with a huge sleepy smile to wish us and give us a big tight hug. I feel supremely lucky and grateful.