BATJ Durga Puja 2005
Arunav's second Durga Puja in Tokyo. He was not really able to enjoy it since he was just recovering from a week of fever.
Btw, BATJ stands for Bengali Association of Tokyo, Japan.
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Arunav's second Durga Puja in Tokyo. He was not really able to enjoy it since he was just recovering from a week of fever.
Btw, BATJ stands for Bengali Association of Tokyo, Japan.
Arunav has learnt to stoop in the Japanese style everytime a "thank you" situation arrives. He cannot say thank you yet but the moment he gets a toy or even gives the toy to papa or mamma or anyone, he will stoop down till his knees with his eyes looking at the person and a half-smile. His gesture is already conquering lots of Japanese' hearts!
ZThe first meaningful word Arunav uttered was "Hai" ("Yes" in Japanese). Well, let me elborate that. He has been telling "ta ta" (Bye Bye in Bengali) for a long time and of course the patent 'mamma', 'papa'...but there was a difference in the "Hai". The lady in the daycare center asked me in Japanese "Did you bring his medicine today?" I had barely opened my mouth to say "Hai" when all of us were taken aback by a strong "Hai" from Arunav! It was a couple of seconds of silence before everyone(the other babysitters and of course me) was laughing out loud at the coincidence and Arunav's face of triumphant joy!
Herpangina, Stomatitis.
I had never heard about these till two months back. Arunav was down with Stomatitis last month and this month the doctor said it is herpangina. I could not understand the difference since both are so so painful for my little one and both seem to have the same symptoms - his throat is red and with big white blisters in it and he is slivating like mad - he cannot swallow, eat, sleep - it is heart-wrenching to see him cry in pain everytime something goes down his throat - even if it is just his saliva.
People around me tell me it is common for children going to daycare and even otherwise - it will keep coming back till he is 3 years old - goodness God!