Halloween craze
has totally taken over our house. The kids woke up at 5.30am (no, not for any sane schedule reason - but the bubbling excitement inside would not let them sleep!!) to paint Halloween spiders, black cats, ghosts and ghouls and you-name-it with "glow in the dark" paint...
I slept at 3 after working on my submission and at 5.15am I was woken up by whispering Arunav, "Mamma can I go and check the time?" - why whisper!
Believe me, kids' excitement is so genuine, so sparkly that it is infectious and before long I found myself digging up orange and black playdoh to make halloween pumpkins and sticking them over our door. MEd thesis just does not have that charm.
In the meantime, Aarushi also announced she would not get married because she just will not know how to go around "I don't know the roads! I can't get lost with them, so I cannot marry, unless I make the guy do all that work." Unbeatable robust reasoning!!
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