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Sunday, September 22, 2013

What price

So today's discussion (!).

"You should not run in a treadmill at 9kph right after eating breakfast."
"If I am not having a problem, what's the problem? My body feels totally ok."

What can one answer to that. Can apparently literate people really be so illiterate? So the question Chad and Trey asked in that discussion was relevant - how really educated are these people who seem to be so brilliant in a particular area that they spend a lifetime in it. Are they educated enough to have a happy family, are they educated enough to live life - education is about having life skills...wholistic.... ahh, I did not agree with them that time. I thought they can be acquired.... 

....question is acquired when and at what price?

In the meantime, Aarushi declared yesterday, "Papa, next time I want to bring my own money to shop, so I can buy all those things that you don''t let me buy like pink jewellery, shiny hairbands, - it's my money after all."


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