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Friday, July 19, 2013


So yesterday I sent a message to a friend asking him to talk to his doctor brother in law. I wrote to him, you know the major issue is peripheral neuropathy and we would like to know how to address it. 
I smiled to think what the reaction of this poor friend might have been, as he has not even heard of myeloma :)

That's how much the world has changed. All I hear and think about is multiple myeloma, peripheral neuropathy, thrombogenic nature of the myeloma drugs, regimes, prognostic tests, creatinine level, thalidomide, velcade, dexamethasone..... ha ha words that would have induced immediate brain shutdown even 10 days back..... now they form my world. I even know the short forms PN, CBC, etc :)

Why again did I decide not to take that medical entrance exam? Life does come a full circle, doesn't it?

End of rant.

To make my life a perfect medical one, Aarushi decides to fall sick again.


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