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Monday, March 26, 2012

Aarushi again ! and a weird incident

Last Friday was a totally freaky one. Here's why.

I very particularly checked and bought online tickets for Hunger Games, which Arunav really wanted to watch because he has read the whole series. I read the review and thought it was too violent for him but I thought instead of snubbing his excitement, I will let him judge whether it was comfortable for him or the book is enough.

I left Aarushi with my helper and took Arunav down for the movie at 4.30pm. When I swiped my credit card, the tix wouldn't come. The lady in the counter checked and said, 'Ma'am your tix were for yesterday.' I am forgetful, but I have never done this and I so clearly remembered checking the day properly on the confirmation screen, that it was a surprise to me. I was totally perplexed, but blamed it on age and tried to console a disheartened Arunav. It was past the movie time and we were thinking of going to a chocolate shop, when my helper rang me to tell Aarushi hurt herself while going for swimming. The bleeding seems to have stopped but the cut is deep.

I stood listening to it and after giving her quick instructions on what to do and rushing for a taxi, I thought I could never have got the call if that ticket was in the right date - I would go in switching off my mobile and would be watching hunger games now ! There are indeed more things in heaven and earth !! Aarushi certainly had a guarding angel and may that angel remain by her always.

By the end of Friday, Aarushi was in the hospital for 5 hours and had 7 stitches in her forehead.


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