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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The funniest little thing

Aarushi is turning out to be the funniest little creature! She just joined a little bigger school which has longer hours(3 hrs as opposed to 1.5 before). Yesterday while bringing her back, we walked through the lovely little path covered with trees and I asked her what she did in school(kids must be so bugged by this boring question moms ask every single day!) I was prepared to hear I sang I played but no, she very simply said,"I slept." It was all I could do not to laugh - but Aarushi there's no place to sleep in school! "Yes there is, I sat in the chair and slept!"

This is the thing I love about children - they are sooo sooo natural! How can one not fall in love with them?


At 1:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

U r lucky like the rest of the world to love children. After my 2nd son i am terrified of them.Of course he too is a complete natural and original tormentor.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Tuya said...

Ha ha - ok there are times and there are times :) No matter how original a tormentor he is there are moments when he makes u melt - oh come on, dont deny it !

At 12:09 AM, Anonymous monicalin said...

haha...good answer. My daughter always surprise me and make me laugh by saying funny things like this. :-)Bon vacance!


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