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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The friend

Finished my essays yesterday - felt free like a bird
Flew all day high and low - chirped and chirped :)

If it was not for friends, life would be so very dull, so very boring and so very bare. Nothing like picking up a phone and chatting nonsense or picking up a phone and cursing some a***ole or picking up a phone and saying, I am coming over now.

A is as priceless as anyone ever will be in my life. She laughed and said today - you were always like that - you worked your heart out on something you like and never touched a subject you did not like - remember me and S used to get worried - that crazy girl is not studying at all - what will she do in the exams?

I had forgotten and it all flashed back and I had tears in my eyes. They understood me better than myself sometimes, they cared for my grades more than I cared to think of my grades - and we were in the same class and competing with each other! If I can pass on that value and care to my kids, pass on the ethics that human relations stand above competition, I will feel very proud of myself indeed. Will that be the right value - for me, yes - definitely. It's not only about how much they cared, it's also about how balanced she is. OK enough of A now :)


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