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Monday, May 23, 2005

D-Day: Weaning+Bottlefeed

I wanna record today as the day when Arunav seriously picked up bottle. He is now 9 months old and did not take formula at all - only solids and breastmilk with the latter predominating. It had become a big hurdle for us bcoz we could not keep him with anyone - me/mommy has to be there for breastfeeding. Also the frequency of feeding being high, I was having to wake up 4 to 5 times at night and am now a skeleton-look-alike!

When he started daycare, I gradually increased the time between feeds - till it reached sometimes 4-5 hours. That sort of automatically reduced my milk supply and Arunav started fretting for more - today he grew up! He realised the bottle is giving him what he needs, what he is fretting for - and yippie he has started drinking as if he never drank from anything else. Touchwood!!


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