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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Effortless effort

Each time I watch Arunav trying to scale new heights (literally) I am amazed at the amount of effort he is putting in and yet there is no feeling of that effort in him - he does it so naturally as if of course he will try 100 times in as many seconds to reach for the higher sofa which is stacked with things he is not supposed to touch. It does not matter that he falls 100 times in his effort - he is completely unmindful of that - he tries again and again. The first thing he does when he wakes up is to rollover and start grabbing at the sofa edge to pull himself up. When he could not rollover he used to try that as soon as he woke up! No wonder he is learning so fast.

Trick: I stack all the things which interest him on the sofa which is just unreachable for him just so that he tries and can stand faster. It has paid off this week.

Why is effort so much of a burden when we grow up? Why do we mind failure so much - how much more we could do if effort was effortless like that of a child.


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