An end and a start
Another year passed by, another year began. I guess old people talk like this. If this is a necessary and sufficient condition, I am old - as those words came to my mind as soon as I opened my thoughts to a title for the first post of the year..But I feel young. I feel happy.
I have not worked to keep myself feeling young but I have worked really hard to keep myself happy. So yay to me :)
I talked (including electronic talk like email, sms, whatsapp) to most of the people who make me feel happy, who bring out the positive in me. I tried not to let my unhappiness spill over to the ones forced to be near and close to me :) I found myself a new task and challenge (learning cycling at this very young age ;) and I am super excited with the progress and my commitment to it. Soon I will have a more boring post on that :)
My first week of the year went well. Happy new year!
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